together in love!!

Jimy and Maisha invite you to celebrate with us


Friday, July 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Mission Inn Resort & Club

10400 County Road 48

Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, USA 34737

Dress code:


Please note this will be

an adult only celebration.

Proverbs 18:22

He who finds a good wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.

Our Love Story


“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step” Lao Tseu.

I thought I made the first step of our love journey that night when you captured my heart at the Mexican restaurant. But I realize that I was already on my way to you years before.

We first met on LinkedIn, ironically an unexpected place to find love. Just after becoming a partner at New York Life, Maisha Baby was looking for new professionals to join her team as a Life Insurance Agent and Financial Professional Agent or Financial Advisor. She came across my profile and reached out in order to recruit me. We communicated and she scheduled an interview after reviewing my resume.


I was quite impressed with the professional, tall, dark and handsome man before me. Over the course of a few days, Jimy Baby took time to learn about the opportunity, and to my disappointment, he declined moving forward explaining that it wasn’t a good fit for the direction he was going with his businesses as a Loan Officer and Tax Preparer.

A couple days later, Jimy Baby befriended me on Facebook for the sake of staying connected and networking, however, we would never see each other in person or on the Social Media platforms for almost 2 years.

Prior to reconnecting with Jimy Baby, I went through a divorce and took time to myself and for myself. I needed to understand why I made the choices I made in my past relationships and what caused me to stay. During this time, I learned that I wasn’t going to settle for anything less than a man who loved God and would truly love me, my kids and desire to be an honorable leader in our relationship.

We went on a couple informal dates, learned about each other and enjoyed spending time together, yet, I found myself back peddling because of how terrified I was about getting into another relationship. That feeling surprised me, especially since he was such an amazing guy…..the answer to prayer kind of guy. Jimy Baby shared that he was ready to be in a relationship and was looking for the right person. So was I, but I was not expecting to come across a God-fearing, genuine and confident person so quickly. I found myself being honest and vulnerable about my feelings with Jimy Baby, that’s how safe he made me feel….from early in our relationship. He expressed that he was going to be patient with me but that I should know he wasn’t going to wait for a long time because he was ready for a relationship and was looking for a wife. After he ministered to me and encouraged me regarding my fear, I asked for his patience and to give me time. Jimy Baby then asked me to go on an official date to Hillstone in Winter Park and it was at that moment I realized….he was it for me.


I asked my Baby Maisha once where she has been all these years. It would have been so much better to have met you years ago instead of such a long journey to you. Then I realized that precious minerals such as gold, emerald or tanzanite are never found effortlessly and picked off the street. But when one is found, it’s worth every step and missteps, every moment and every sweat. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. –Proverbs 31:10. The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. — Proverb 18: 22. No journey is too long in the conquest of true love. I am happy that in that journey I made some stops and picked up some life trinkets to carry along. God had been preparing me for you. I finally understand that God will never withhold anything good from his children. Psalms 84:11. God will help you find the right person at the right time. If not found, maybe God is not finished with you yet! I am happy that I found Maisha Baby as a partner to continue our journey together. How exciting!!!

We found love, and

you're invited to celebrate with us!

Your presence at our wedding is important

to us.

if you wish to further bless our special day with a present, monetary gifts are preferred.

We look forward

to seeing you

We kindly request your response by June 1, 2023.


Mission Inn Resort & Club

10400 County Road 48

Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, USA 34737

(352) 324-3101


your stay

this is us



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sHE SAid yES!!!